NumPy-friendly multidimensional arrays in C++
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casts.h File Reference

Specialized casts for Array. More...

#include "ndarray/Array.h"
#include "ndarray/ArrayRef.h"
#include <boost/type_traits/add_const.hpp>
#include <boost/type_traits/remove_const.hpp>
#include <boost/mpl/comparison.hpp>
#include <boost/utility/enable_if.hpp>
#include <boost/static_assert.hpp>

Go to the source code of this file.


struct  ndarray::detail::ComplexExtractor< Array_ >


template<typename T_ , typename T , int N, int C>
Array< T_, N, C > ndarray::const_array_cast (Array< T, N, C > const &array)
template<int C_, typename T , int N, int C>
Array< T, N, C_ > ndarray::static_dimension_cast (Array< T, N, C > const &array)
template<int C_, typename T , int N, int C>
Array< T, N, C_ > ndarray::dynamic_dimension_cast (Array< T, N, C > const &array)
template<typename Array_ >
detail::ComplexExtractor< Array_ >::Result ndarray::getReal (Array_ const &array)
 Return an ArrayRef view into the real part of a complex array.
template<typename Array_ >
detail::ComplexExtractor< Array_ >::Result ndarray::getImag (Array_ const &array)
 Return an ArrayRef view into the imaginary part of a complex array.
template<int Nf, typename T , int N, int C>
boost::enable_if_c<((C+Nf-N)>=1), ArrayRef< T, Nf,(C+Nf-N)> >::type ndarray::flatten (Array< T, N, C > const &input)
 Create a view into an array with trailing contiguous dimensions merged.
template<int Nf, typename T , int N, int C>
boost::enable_if_c<((C+Nf-N)>=1), ArrayRef< T, Nf,(C+Nf-N)> >::type ndarray::flatten (ArrayRef< T, N, C > const &input)
 Create a view into an array with trailing contiguous dimensions merged.

Detailed Description

Specialized casts for Array.