NumPy-friendly multidimensional arrays in C++
▼Nndarray | |
►Ndetail | |
►Nindex | |
►Nresult_of | |
CApproximatelyEqual | Binary predicate for floating point equality comparison with tolerance |
CApproximatelyEqual< std::complex< U1 >, std::complex< U2 > > | Binary predicate for complex floating point equality comparison with tolerance |
CArray | A multidimensional strided array |
►CArrayBase | CRTP implementation for Array and ArrayRef |
CArrayBaseN | An intermediate CRTP base class for Array and ArrayRef |
CArrayBaseN< Derived, 1 > | An intermediate CRTP base class for Array and ArrayRef (specialization for 1) |
CArrayBaseN< Derived, 2 > | An intermediate CRTP base class for Array and ArrayRef (specialization for 2) |
CArrayBaseN< Derived, 3 > | An intermediate CRTP base class for Array and ArrayRef (specialization for 3) |
CArrayBaseN< Derived, 4 > | An intermediate CRTP base class for Array and ArrayRef (specialization for 4) |
CArrayBaseN< Derived, 5 > | An intermediate CRTP base class for Array and ArrayRef (specialization for 5) |
CArrayBaseN< Derived, 6 > | An intermediate CRTP base class for Array and ArrayRef (specialization for 6) |
CArrayRef | A proxy class for Array with deep assignment operators |
CArrayTraits | Dimension-specialized traits shared by Array and ArrayRef |
CArrayTraits< T, 1, 0 > | |
CArrayTraits< T, 1, 1 > | |
CArrayTraits< T, 1,-1 > | |
CExpressionBase | CRTP base class for all multidimensional expressions |
CExpressionTraits | Traits for expressions |
CExpressionTraits< Array< T, N, C > > | |
CExpressionTraits< ArrayRef< T, N, C > > | |
CExpressionTraits< detail::BinaryOpExpression< Operand1, Operand2, BinaryFunction, 1 > > | |
CExpressionTraits< detail::BinaryOpExpression< Operand1, Operand2, BinaryFunction, N > > | |
CExpressionTraits< detail::CountingExpression > | |
CExpressionTraits< detail::UnaryOpExpression< Operand, UnaryFunction, 1 > > | |
CExpressionTraits< detail::UnaryOpExpression< Operand, UnaryFunction, N > > | |
CExternalManager | |
CFormatOptions | Options for controlling stream output of ExpressionBase |
CFourierTransform | A wrapper for FFTW plans for fast Fourier transforms |
CManager | |
CNumericTraits | Numeric type traits |
CPromote | Metafunction to compute numeric promotions |
CPybind11Helper | |
CSimpleManager | |
CVector | A fixed-size 1D array class |
CVector< T, 0 > | PArtial specialization for zero-size vectors to avoid compiler errors on some platforms |
CView | A template meta-sequence that defines an arbitrary view into an unspecified array |
▼Npybind11 | |
►Ndetail |