typedef Super::Element | Element |
typedef Traits::Element | Element |
| Data type of array elements.
typedef Traits::Iterator | Iterator |
| Nested array or element iterator.
typedef Traits::Reference | Reference |
| Nested array or element reference.
typedef Traits::Value | Value |
| Nested array or element value type.
typedef Traits::ND | ND |
| Number of dimensions (boost::mpl::int_).
typedef Traits::RMC | RMC |
| Number of guaranteed row-major contiguous dimensions, counted from the end (boost::mpl::int_).
typedef Vector< Size, ND::value > | Index |
| Vector type for N-dimensional indices and shapes.
typedef Vector< Offset, ND::value > | Strides |
| Vector type for N-dimensional offsets and strides.
typedef ArrayRef< Element, ND::value,-RMC::value > | FullTranspose |
| ArrayRef to a reverse-ordered contiguous array; the result of a call to transpose().
typedef ArrayRef< Element, ND::value, 0 > | Transpose |
| ArrayRef to a noncontiguous array; the result of a call to transpose(...).
typedef Array< Element, ND::value, RMC::value > | Shallow |
| The corresponding Array type.
typedef ArrayRef< Element, ND::value, RMC::value > | Deep |
| The corresponding ArrayRef type.
typedef ExpressionTraits< Derived >::Element | Element |
| Data type of expression elements.
typedef ExpressionTraits< Derived >::ND | ND |
| Number of dimensions (boost::mpl::int_).
typedef ExpressionTraits< Derived >::Iterator | Iterator |
| Nested expression or element iterator.
typedef ExpressionTraits< Derived >::Reference | Reference |
| Nested expression or element reference.
typedef ExpressionTraits< Derived >::Value | Value |
| Nested expression or element value type.
typedef Vector< Size, ND::value > | Index |
| Vector type for N-dimensional indices.
typedef Derived | Self |
| CRTP derived type.
typedef Value | value_type |
typedef Iterator | iterator |
typedef Iterator | const_iterator |
typedef Reference | reference |
typedef Reference | const_reference |
typedef Iterator | pointer |
typedef Offset | difference_type |
typedef Size | size_type |
Element & | operator() (int n0, int n1, int n2) const |
Reference | operator[] (Size n) const |
| Return a single subarray.
Element & | operator[] (Index const &i) const |
| Return a single element from the array.
Iterator | begin () const |
| Return an Iterator to the beginning of the array.
Iterator | end () const |
| Return an Iterator to one past the end of the array.
Element * | getData () const |
| Return a raw pointer to the first element of the array.
bool | isEmpty () const |
| Return true if the array has a null data point.
Manager::Ptr | getManager () const |
| Return the opaque object responsible for memory management.
template<int P> |
Size | getSize () const |
| Return the size of a specific dimension.
template<int P> |
Offset | getStride () const |
| Return the stride in a specific dimension.
Index | getShape () const |
| Return a Vector of the sizes of all dimensions.
Strides | getStrides () const |
| Return a Vector of the strides of all dimensions.
Size | getNumElements () const |
| Return the total number of elements in the array.
FullTranspose | transpose () const |
| Return a view of the array with the order of the dimensions reversed.
Transpose | transpose (Index const &order) const |
| Return a view of the array with the dimensions permuted.
Shallow const | shallow () const |
| Return a Array view to this.
Deep const | deep () const |
| Return an ArrayRef view to this.
template<typename Seq > |
ResultOf< View< Seq > >::Type | operator[] (View< Seq > const &def) const |
| Return a general view into this array (see Tutorial).
Reference | operator[] (Size n) const |
| Return a single nested expression or element.
Reference | front () const |
| Return the first nested expression or element.
Reference | back () const |
| Return the last nested expression or element.
Iterator | begin () const |
| Return an Iterator to the beginning of the expression.
Iterator | end () const |
| Return an Iterator to one past the end of the expression.
template<int P> |
Size | getSize () const |
| Return the size of a specific dimension.
Index | getShape () const |
| Return a Vector of the sizes of all dimensions.
Size | getNumElements () const |
| Return the total number of elements in the expression.
size_type | size () const |
| Return the size of the first dimension.
bool | empty () const |
| Return true if the first dimension has no elements.
template<typename Derived>
class ndarray::ArrayBaseN< Derived, 3 >
An intermediate CRTP base class for Array and ArrayRef (specialization for 3).