NumPy-friendly multidimensional arrays in C++
No Matches
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
 Cndarray::detail::IndexTraits< ndarray::index::Full >::Append
 Cndarray::detail::IndexTraits< ndarray::index::Range >::Append
 Cndarray::detail::IndexTraits< ndarray::index::Scalar >::Append
 Cndarray::detail::IndexTraits< ndarray::index::Slice >::Append
 Cndarray::detail::AppendIndex::apply< State, Index >
 Cndarray::ApproximatelyEqual< T1, T2 >Binary predicate for floating point equality comparison with tolerance
 Cndarray::ApproximatelyEqual< std::complex< U1 >, std::complex< U2 > >Binary predicate for complex floating point equality comparison with tolerance
 Cndarray::ApproximatelyEqual< U1, U2 >
 Cndarray::detail::ArrayAccess< Array_ >
 Cndarray::ArrayTraits< T, N, C >Dimension-specialized traits shared by Array and ArrayRef
 Cndarray::ArrayTraits< T, 1, 0 >
 Cndarray::ArrayTraits< T, 1, 1 >
 Cndarray::ArrayTraits< T, 1,-1 >
 Cboost::mpl::bool_<(((C2 >=C1 &&C1 >=0)||(C2<=C1 &&C1<=0)||(N==1 &&C2==-C1)) &&boost::is_convertible< T2 *, T1 * >::value) >
 Cndarray::detail::ComplexExtractor< Array_ >
 Cndarray::detail::Core< N >
 Cndarray::detail::Core< 0 >
 Cndarray::detail::Core< M >
 Cndarray::detail::CoreTransformer< T, M, N >
 Cndarray::detail::DefaultValue< T, isArithmetic >
 Cndarray::detail::DefaultValue< T, true >
 Cndarray::detail::Dimensions< N, C, I >
 Cndarray::detail::EigenStrideTraits< N, C, Rows, Cols >
 Cndarray::ExpressionBase< Derived >CRTP base class for all multidimensional expressions
 Cndarray::ExpressionBase< Array< T, N, C > >
 Cndarray::ExpressionBase< ArrayRef< T, N, C > >
 Cndarray::ExpressionBase< BinaryOpExpression< Operand1, Operand2, BinaryFunction, N > >
 Cndarray::ExpressionBase< CountingExpression >
 Cndarray::ExpressionBase< UnaryOpExpression< Operand, UnaryFunction, N > >
 Cndarray::ExpressionTraits< Expression_ >Traits for expressions
 Cndarray::ExpressionTraits< detail::BinaryOpExpression< Operand1, Operand2, BinaryFunction, 1 > >
 Cndarray::ExpressionTraits< detail::BinaryOpExpression< Operand1, Operand2, BinaryFunction, N > >
 Cndarray::ExpressionTraits< detail::CountingExpression >
 Cndarray::ExpressionTraits< detail::UnaryOpExpression< Operand, UnaryFunction, 1 > >
 Cndarray::ExpressionTraits< detail::UnaryOpExpression< Operand, UnaryFunction, N > >
 Cndarray::detail::FFTWTraits< T >
 Cndarray::FormatOptionsOptions for controlling stream output of ExpressionBase
 Cndarray::detail::Formatter< Derived, N >
 Cndarray::detail::Formatter< Derived, 1 >
 Cndarray::detail::FourierTraits< T, IsConst >
 Cndarray::index::FullEmpty structure marking a view of an entire dimension
 Cndarray::detail::IndexTraits< Index >
 Cndarray::detail::IndexTraits< ndarray::index::Full >
 Cndarray::detail::IndexTraits< ndarray::index::Range >
 Cndarray::detail::IndexTraits< ndarray::index::Scalar >
 Cndarray::detail::IndexTraits< ndarray::index::Slice >
 Cndarray::detail::Initializer< N, Derived >
 Cndarray::detail::Initializer< N, ExternalInitializer< T, N, Owner > >
 Cndarray::detail::Initializer< N, SimpleInitializer< N > >
 Cndarray::detail::IteratorTraits< Iterator_ >
 Cndarray::NumericTraits< T, U, is_complex, is_arithmetic >Numeric type traits
 Cndarray::Promote< T1, T2, winner, is_complex >Metafunction to compute numeric promotions
 Cndarray::Promote< T1, T1 >
 Cndarray::Promote< U1, U2 >
 Cndarray::Pybind11Helper< T, N, C >
 Cndarray::index::RangeSimple structure defining a contiguous range of indices
 Cndarray::detail::RangeTransformer< T >
 Cndarray::ArrayBase< Derived >::ResultOf< View_ >A template metafunction class to determine the result of a view indexing operation
 Cndarray::detail::SafeFloatingPointOps< T >
 Cndarray::index::ScalarStructure marking a single element of a dimension
 Cndarray::detail::SelectEigenMap< T, N, C, XprKind >
 Cndarray::detail::SelectEigenMap< T, 1, -1, XprKind >
 Cndarray::detail::SelectEigenMap< T, 1, 0, XprKind >
 Cndarray::detail::SelectEigenMap< T, 1, 1, XprKind >
 Cndarray::detail::SelectEigenMap< T, 2, -1, XprKind >
 Cndarray::detail::SelectEigenMap< T, 2, -2, XprKind >
 Cndarray::detail::SelectEigenMap< T, 2, 0, XprKind >
 Cndarray::detail::SelectEigenMap< T, 2, 1, XprKind >
 Cndarray::detail::SelectEigenMap< T, 2, 2, XprKind >
 Cndarray::detail::SelectEigenPlain< T, N, C, XprKind, AddConst >
 Cndarray::detail::SelectEigenPlain< T, N, C, XprKind, false >
 Cndarray::detail::SelectEigenPlain< T, N, C, XprKind, true >
 Cndarray::detail::SelectEigenPlainBase< T, N, C, XprKind >
 Cndarray::detail::SelectEigenPlainBase< T, N, C, Eigen::ArrayXpr >
 Cndarray::detail::SelectEigenPlainBase< T, N, C, Eigen::MatrixXpr >
 Cndarray::index::SliceSimple structure defining a noncontiguous range of indices
 Cndarray::detail::IndexTraits< ndarray::index::Full >::TransformCoreResultMetafunction for the result type of transform()
 Cndarray::detail::IndexTraits< ndarray::index::Range >::TransformCoreResultMetafunction for the result type of transform()
 Cndarray::detail::IndexTraits< ndarray::index::Scalar >::TransformCoreResultMetafunction for the result type of transform()
 Cndarray::detail::IndexTraits< ndarray::index::Slice >::TransformCoreResultMetafunction for the result type of transform()
 Cpybind11::detail::type_caster< ndarray::Array< T, N, C > >
 Cndarray::Vector< T, N >A fixed-size 1D array class
 Cndarray::Vector< Offset, N >
 Cndarray::Vector< Size, N >
 Cndarray::Vector< T, 0 >PArtial specialization for zero-size vectors to avoid compiler errors on some platforms
 Cndarray::result_of::vectorize< T1, T2, T3 >
 Cndarray::result_of::vectorize< T1, T2, void >
 Cndarray::View< Seq_ >A template meta-sequence that defines an arbitrary view into an unspecified array
 Cndarray::detail::ViewBuilder< Array_, InSeq >
 Cndarray::detail::ViewNormalizer< N, Seq_, IsNormalized >
 Cndarray::detail::ViewNormalizer< N, Seq_, true >
 Cndarray::detail::ViewTraits< N, C, Seq_, isColumnMajor >
 Cndarray::detail::ViewTraits< N, C, Seq_, false >
 Cndarray::detail::ViewTraits< N, C, Seq_, true >